Discover our mindfulness methodology
As individuals tend to resist transition or change in their lives, this process requires emotional balance and paying full attention to deal with everyday situations.
R – Reathing;
A – Anchoring;
S – Sensing;
P – Pondering;
A – Acting.
Inhale deeply and let your inner-self shine. Inhale, inspire and do not infuriate!
RASPA has emerged in one of Nélio Bilate’s trips to Peru.
As individuals tend to resist transition or change in their lives, this process requires emotional balance and paying full attention to deal with everyday situations. RASPA has emerged in one of Nélio Bilate’s trips to Peru. On the top of the Andes mountains, he got the inspiration to create the meaningful acronym. In Portuguese, each letter corresponds to a word meant to inspire us to be true to our own selves and the world around us.
RASPA is a NB HEART’s registered trademark. The mindfulness tool helps bring our bare attention on purpose to help us face key moments in life in a more sensible way.
R – Reathing: inhale deeply and let your inner-self shine. Inhale, inspire and do not infuriate!
A – Anchoring: give yourself a pause and find your safe harbor. Regain your self-control and focus on your attention.
S – Sensing: allow yourself to feel what comes from within. Exploring your senses is a great way to open up the path to intuition.
P – Pondering: find out a sensible way of seeing things.
A – Acting: make decisions, get going and move forward. Find out ways of making things happen.