Our paths of solutions for people and companies
At NB HEART we investigate, diagnose, plan and, above all, put into action.
In a unique and genuine way, at NB HEART we investigate, diagnose, plan and, above all, put into action strategic plans aimed at organizational culture and leadership development. Our guiding principles lie in the realm of improving self-awareness to expand consciousness, driving leaders and employees to deliver their best potential.
With tailor-made consulting, we work hand in hand with our clients to choose the best tools and content to suit every corporate culture and needs.
NB HEART has built a Human Development platform to better serve its clients, which includes business partners that are aligned with our purpose and principles.
Our Human Development Platform enables transforming organizational culture and aligning the purposes of individuals, leaders, organizations, groups and communities.
NB HEART customizes every Human Development Project to suit different organization’s needs, leadership profiles, levels of engagement and maturity.
We work hand in hand with clients in the stages of diagnosis, scenario breakdown, project planning and design, leadership development and monitoring. We also have a network of business partners and specialists that can collaborate with us to expand our capacity to generate knowledge across all organization levels and direct it towards company needs.
NB HEART’s deliverables include workshops on organizational culture and transformation, roundtables, leadership development and mentoring programs, as well as motivational speeches, with either in-person or online sessions.
The Culture of an organization or any social group echoes the values, beliefs and behaviors of its leaders. Culture is about a society’s DNA represented by symbols, rituals, its people and
behaviors. It is how they share a legacy or a common identity.
An individual or team development process designed to help individuals and teams achieve their best measurable performance, according to the needs of both individuals and the organization.
In line with the organization’s needs brought to light after deep discussions with clients, Nélio’s keynotes deliver impactful and inspiring content based on consistent sources and his successful experience holding senior executive positions in major global organizations across different continents.
Keywords: New Era Values, Mental Health, Solidarity, Courage and Vulnerability, Purpose.

Some of the clients that are part
of our recent history include: